imagine media processing with streams
imagine media processing with streams
Media Processing Applications on the Imagine Stream Processor.
MediaStream Processing API - W3C.
Media applications, such as image processing, signal processing, video, and graphics, require high computation rates and data bandwidths. The stream.
IEEE Xplore - A bandwidth-efficient architecture for media processing.
imagine media processing with streams
Evaluating the Imagine Stream Architecture - ACM Digital Library.Publications - Concurrent VLSI Architecture Group - Stanford.
Mapping Streaming Languages to General Purpose Processors.
Jul 9, 2006. Also we applied test programs on Imagine stream processor [2].. The demand for flexibility in media processing motivates the use of.
Imagine architecture , VLSI technology , arithmetic capacity , bandwidth-efficient architecture , media processing , microprocessor architectures , stream.
Media Processing Applications on the Imagine Stream Processor · John D. Owens. A Programming System for the Imagine Media Processor: Peter Mattson.
This paper describes an experimental evaluation of theprototype Imagine stream processor. Imagine [Imagine: Media processing with streams] is a stream.
Euro-Par 2008 – Parallel Processing. This paper describes a platform- independent optimization framework called Stream Scheduling, that orchestrates.
The Imagine Stream Architecture is a novel architecture that executes stream- based programs.. Programmable Graphics and Real-time Media Applications.
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications. Despite Imagine presents an efficient memory hierarchy, the straightforward. between streams and kernels, and present the key techniques for improving .. Springer, Part of Springer Science+Business Media Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, General Terms & Conditions.
Embedded media processing - Google Books Result.
Jul 9, 2006. Also we applied test programs on Imagine stream processor [2].. The demand for flexibility in media processing motivates the use of.
Muli-Issue Multi-Threaded Stream Processor | Omid Fatemi.